Produced by Tara Leigh’s Cresties out of Kringle x Bizzy
Hatch 2020
James has got a great big floppy crown with lots of ice cream drips underneath. His patterning is kind of fun in that there isn’t really a clean separation between his yellow pattern and his white, and instead they all just mottle together. His first season was 2022, and he made some really nice kids with Tri Girl.
Produced by Unknown
Hatch date Unknown
Icarus was purchased by us as a juvenile and was let go as part of our big collection reduction. Luckily I was able to re-purchase him and have him breeding for us again in 2022. He is our primary stud and has made some amazing things with Sarah.
His background is hazy, however. His original breeder is unknown. The most information I got was “A dart frog breeder out of Kentucky”. In this case, I don’t think lineage matters much!
Honey Oat
Produced by Steel CIty Scales out of Ernie x Sybil
Hatch date Fall 2012
Honey Oat was another boomerang boy. We produced him in 2012 out of Sybil and Ernie. While not the most glamourous pairing, he has the most beautiful peachy cream base color, creamy cream dorsum, and round spots. We haven’t paired him much, and haven’t found a lady that his genetics sing with. When we pair him to yellow or red girls, we get a lot of tiger dals which happen to be my husband’s favorite. While not a core breeder, Honey Oat is a good boy who occasionally gets some air time in the breeding lineup.
Produced by Steel City Scales out of Mahina x Eros
Hatch date Summer 2017
Yet another gone and back again boys! He is beautiful, but is also pure unfettered testosterone. He has cage aggression that can rival a leachie and a slightly crooked nose from breaking it as a hatchling (No clue how or when that happened). Stallone deserves glamour shots, but I am a wuss and don’t want to risk getting bit, so cage shots it is.