Produced by Mindscape Reptiles and Sublime Reptiles out of Inazuma and Limoncello
Hatch Date - July 1, 2011
As Lys’s bright and sunny yellow has given way to an older woman’s dusty tones, her cream has not stopped spreading. She is such a lovely girl with little to no dark colors to speak of. In the past she has made beautiful yellow and cream babies that exceeded her own color and pattern. Lys is a lazy girl who doesn’t bother to eat her shed and leaves eggs wherever she pleases.
Produced by Derek Dunlop - DDReptiles
Hatch Date - 2-8-2010
Eclair has the most beautiful thick cream with perfect little drips. Her base color is such a beautiful dove grey fired down. She has been on breeding break for quite some time, but produces very nice eggs.
Produced by Mindscape Reptiles out of Eclair and Hoho
Hatch Date - August 3, 2012
For a year or so, she was a stunning tri color. Her bright oranges muted pretty quickly to make her a nice extreme. Eclair gave her her thick cream, though! Oxalis has not laid in several years. Maybe this is the year.
Produced by Steel City Scales and Christie’s Reptile Room out of Oxalis and Phelony
Hatch Date - Unknown - lost paperwork :(
Crazy girl. Like Sarah, this girl usually just takes off. I’m lucky to have gotten one nice picture. 2023 will be her first year breeding.
Produced by Pangea Reptiles
Hatch Date - Summer 2012
One of my heart geckos. I purchased Tanker at my first reptile expo. In the months after, her pattern exploded and her structure was perfection. She does have spots and does pass them to about 50% of her offspring. As a more mature gecko, her yellow tones have all but disappeared and gave way to pure white. She still has no problem laying a seasons worth of eggs and is such a personable gecko.
Wing Sauce
Produced by Steel City Scales out of Tanker and Eros
Hatch Date - Unknown - will have to troll through records. 2016/17 ish
Once she was a cute red. Always she has been covered in drippy pattern. And spots. Her fancier sister went to live at Christie’s Reptile Room when I had to downsize.
Produced by Unknown
Hatch Date - Unknown - likely 2009-2010
The other heart gecko. Mahina was purchased from a user of the Pangea Forums in 2013. She was an adult at the time, and was purchased at a pet store, so no lineage information was available. I often call her my little orca because of how dark her base color can fire. She is a very skittish girl, however, and when stressed, her cream takes on a yellow caste. I don’t have many pictures of her as I don’t want to stress her. She is a petite girl and is much smaller in body size compared to the other ladies around here including her daughter.
Produced by Steel City Scales out of Mahina and London
Hatch Date - Summer 2015
Just like mom, only way bigger. She had a fantastic season with Caruso in 2017, took a break and hasn’t gotten back into the swing of laying. Hopefully 2023 is the year she stops adding weight and starts converting that to eggs.
Produced by Steel City Scales out of Hecate and Caruso
Hatch Date - Winter 2017
Just like mom, only exactly the same. Nyx is another extremely large animal both in structure and in how she uses her food. Just like mom, she decided the 2022 season was not one for eggs, but for gaining weight which we are definitely working on with breeding being part of her weight loss regime.
Produced by Steel City Scales and Sticky Side Up out of Motherload and Feder
Hatch Date - Summer 2019
So beautiful with crazy pattern coverage. Unfortunately, nice photos are going to be hard to come by as this girl is a RUNNER. She startles easily and takes off like a rocket. We can forgive her as her kids are stunning and didn’t get her crazies.